Email Marketing Trends to Expect in 2019

Alfred Winston
3 min readJan 30, 2019


Conventionally, business groups thrived in sending countless emails to online users. The overuse of this strategy has necessitated services such as Gmail and Yahoo to introduce spam option. In 2019, more emphasis will be on the quality of the content availed on the email.

Essentially, you will be frustrated when coming up with emails that will only end up as spams. You should thus take some time to focus on the information entailed in the emails. This further means that you have to look at aspects such as email verification and segmentation. At the end of the day, you need to get revenue from the subscribers.

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Hands on Deck for Consumers

Endless emails sent to users have made it quite stressful to make use of the platform. At times, you will hear of scenarios where email users change their accounts due to excessive spams. On your end, there is so much that you can do control the number of emails sent to subscribers.

This year, you should expect companies to work on ways to enable customer control incoming emails. For instance, end users may have the option to subscribe or unsubscribe the emails received. You should note that this will be achieved based on research lingering on the preferred products and services here.

Expect More Inbound Marketing Strategies

Majorly, emails are used to popularize the brand and services offered. However, there is the need to educate email users on the information entailed in this field. At this juncture, you will have to make use of inbound marketing.

Under this, it is anticipated that you will create an environment where users can make inquiries on certain issues. It is through this that visitors get to trust your company and the services provided. You should not forget that this is no phenomenon. The only difference is that more entities will be looking forward to integrating this marketing strategy with the outbound tactic.

Integration of Audio Services

Nowadays, there are the likes of Amazon Alexa and Google Home that make use of voice commands. Come 2019, this application is highly expected to make its way into the email world. So what will be able to do? Well, you will be able to compose, delete and send email messages by the use of voice.

That’s not all you will be able to get prediction services when it comes to email marketing. The beauty of this is that you get to save on time when it comes to these services. This will give you a chance to focus on other things that will improve the output of your business.


Despite there being alternatives such as social media, email marketing still proves to be a force to reckon with. Instead of turning a blind eye on this platform, you ought to get accustomed to the trends. At the end of the day, there are millions of email users that may help you to get your business to the next level. All you need to do is jump on the bandwagon and follow the trends.

Originally published at on January 30, 2019.



Alfred Winston

Tech lover, photographer, a guy who loves Social Media.