Mobile App Development Trends in 2020 — A Glimpse of a Future Brimming with User Convenience

Alfred Winston
5 min readJan 28, 2020


The year is barely over yet the mobile app development trends that will dominate 2020 are already crystal-clear. Some of these trends continue to linger because of the way they have already penetrated the grassroots elements of the field, while others are fairly new and show a lot potential in transforming the way apps can deliver their functionalities in the future.

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

These two practically go hand-in-hand already as far as mobile app development is concerned. Applying machine learning to apps often involves utilizing their analytical ability, particularly with regards to user behavior.

In e-commerce apps, this is practically ubiquitous already because it allows the apps to readily make personalized recommendations according to the data analyzed by the machine. And the keyword here, of course, is “learning”, meaning the technology is surely continuously evolving. This paves the way for better delivery of user wants and needs without having to conduct the analytics and research yourself.

2. Internet of Things

Experts anticipate IoT as becoming a major sector come 2020. That’s why it’s not at all surprising that it’s still leading mobile app developments trends 2020. There are now even specific guidelines on how you should develop apps focusing solely on Internet of Things.

And why not? IoT is nothing short of revolutionary. From its application on sensors and devices to web apps and B2B apps, IoT showcases the full potential of smart technology.

It also covers cloud technology, making app development more convenient and systematized overall. The sector shows plenty of signs of continuous growth, whose momentum does appear to be slowing down; it can even be argued that it is gaining more ground.

3. BlockChain

BlockChain maintains its influence on mobile app development. Even though its integration may be slower than some technologies, businesses have since accepted it as a powerful tool for transactions in the form of virtual wallets. This proves that it has since transcended its association solely with cryptocurrency technology.

Of course, it does not limit itself to finance for its benefits also cover security and manufacturing as well. BlockChain enhances security levels, after all, besides showing its ability to improve tracking of transactions. Many e-commerce apps freely incorporate BlockChain technology to gain these advantages.

4. Wearables

Wearable tech has been around for a while now, and their popularity is still rising. The almost yearly increase in purchases of wearable gadgets highlights this. With its practical and thoroughly helpful application on such major fields as healthcare and fitness, this should not come as a surprise. They always make vital information always within arm’s reach.

Wearable app integration serves as the key to the technology achieving these innovations. Plenty of major app developers like Uber are focusing on smartwatches, and Apple is continuously developing this technology with the recent watchOS update they rolled out.

5. On-Demand Service

The fresh trend of on-demand service apps took off fairly recently, and a lot of business owners are more than willing to ride the bandwagon. It brings unprecedented convenience, after all, for users who need a specific service to be rendered as soon as possible. It allows brands to woo clients through their ability to respond promptly to their needs.

Development of on-demand apps is flourishing in the food and grocery delivery industry, in particular. It is also very popular in the entertainment sector, where apps can immediately provide users with the TV show or web series episode they need to watch, regardless of place and time.

Other industries that are slowly integrating the technology include travel, healthcare, and fitness, proving its robust growth.

6. Medical Technology

Healthcare app development trends practically intermingle with the other trends mentioned here. This says a lot about the attention that the field of medicine is giving on present technology. Already, diagnostic tools provided by wearable tech excise the need to go to a clinic to confirm a patient’s state of health, for example.

More personalized treatment, on the other hand, can be provided with the help of machine learning applications. Virtual nursing through chatbots makes information and communication easily accessible to patients and doctors alike.

7. Retail Technology

Mobile app development trends 2020 includes retail technology as well. This field also relates a lot to the other trends mentioned here. For one, AR shopping might very well become the next craze in the future, and this is already a possibility.

Of course, there is also on-demand service that is driving growth in the business sector. With same-day delivery practically guaranteed by most apps, you can imagine the utter convenience and time-saving advantages this gives.

Indeed, the retail industry shows plenty of creativity being applied to it. The possibilities being presented prove just how seemingly limitless these trends’ abilities are in altering how customers and businesses interact and transact.

8. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

That AR and VR prove themselves as “game-changers” should be a given already. A lot of people love the sheer immersion both can give. Mobile apps based on AR and VR are already dominating the App and Play Stores, and people’s satiety for this novelty is not waning any time soon.

In fact, it would not be a surprise if AR and VR remain a trend for the coming years, for its full potential is still untapped, to say the least. Windows of opportunity for creativity and imagination continue to open as developers continue to expand the limits of what the respective technologies can bring about.

9. Chatbots

Chatbots integrated with machine learning show exciting potential for better user engagement and attention to immediate needs. With the development of more sophisticated chatbots, retention can be achieved, which is vital for any app.

Statistics show that plenty of users tend to quit the app once it fails to provide them with what they need. Chatbots help mitigate this issue by being able to respond intelligently in an almost lightning-fast manner to queries.

10. Mobile Wallet

Mobile wallets presented through apps make stock market trading, investing, and transacting very convenient for almost any individual. Plenty of apps (particularly P2P lending), for example, allow you to lend to businesses and individuals, store your money in any currency you like and even offer better overall foreign exchange rates.

Of course, that is just one application of mobile wallets. Mobile wallet technology also overlaps with wearables, for instance, as proven by developers who are making smartwatches a viable replacement for credit cards. That said, the sky could very well be the limit as well for this technology.


One fact stands out from the list provided above. These trends serve as tell-tale signs of what majority of the apps of the future will look like. Take the time to familiarize yourself with these mobile app development trends 2020 if you mean to set yourself up as a long-term app developer.



Alfred Winston

Tech lover, photographer, a guy who loves Social Media.